
About artist

Steflea Iuliana is a talented pencil artist, born on 22 February 1996 in Constanta, Romania, where she lives. From a young age, she felt a natural connection with art, developing a deep love for drawing. Her teachers recognised her talent early on, but it was mainly her father who nurtured and nurtured her passion, passing on artistic techniques and pushing her to believe in her potential.

Over the years, Iuliana explored her creative vein, but it was during the COVID-19 pandemic, in a period of isolation and reflection, that she decided to rediscover the passion she had put aside. It was at that moment that she felt the urge to definitively embrace her dream of becoming an artist, finding in drawing a powerful and liberating form of expression.

For Iuliana, drawing is not just a creative act, but a true meditative experience in which time seems to stand still. She likes to think that, with each stroke of the pencil, she is able to transfer deep emotions and moments of life. The magic lies in observing how a simple sheet of paper can be transformed into an entire universe, creating an intimate and personal narrative. She describes herself as a spark in the vast ocean of art, and feels deep gratitude for the gift of being able to express her feelings on paper.

In her work, Iuliana focuses on those moments she calls ‘daydreams’, in which she loses herself in her deepest thoughts, trying to capture an intimate connection with herself. Her art explores themes of sensuality, serenity and introspection, offering a space of calm amidst the chaos of the mind. Each of her works is an emotional journey that invites the viewer to reflect, to dream and to perceive the beauty that lies in the small things in life.

Besides being a form of personal expression, Iuliana's art has a universal meaning: she wants to inspire others, make them feel and connect with the emotions she conveys. Her works are not just drawings, but messages that touch the heart and soul of the viewer.

Iuliana is emerging as an important figure on the art scene, with successful exhibitions in Italy, including in Melpignano (LE), Matera and Turin, thanks to her collaboration with Patty's Art Gallery. With each exhibition, she continues to share her unique vision of the world, inviting everyone to stop, reflect and immerse themselves in the emotional universe she creates with her art.

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